Friday, November 13, 2015

 நவராத்திரி - விஜயதஸமி வெளியீடு
Interpretation of Ancient History Based on Scientific Findings of Civic Distribution Genetics 

What is Eelam?  Before 245 BC

It is the tranquil serene island floating on the Hindu Ocean
In the ancient period attracted pilgrims over pilgrims for veneration
Thee Devine land of Eelam with Pancha Thissai Panchalayam
It isn’t the break piece of land of Tambapanni or Serendib
Eelam isn’t the break piece of land Tambapanni or Serendib
It is the tranquil serene island floating in the India Ocean

Land of Eelam a temple landscape by Pancha Thissa Panchaahlayam
Begins with Nagulaeswaram for north, Sandeswarar for the South 
Easanya Koneswarar, Ketheeswar for Northwest Zeneith and
Muneeswarar from west to face the east completes the temple shape


For the veneration by many in the ancient period of serene, four
Survived the turnover events off the history and turmoil, Thakshana easwar  
Stays in ruins lost its Daily Devotional care, ruins the mind of all respect
Sivan all over Serendib, Sanskrit is dialect of devote Tamil is the dialect in use

Dialect devoid natives have been the natural inhabitants, earliest Shaivism practice
Delivered the Tamil as dialect medium, still surviving its virginity only in Eelam 
Differences developed among autochthonous, one group remained dialect free,
Dialect free devotional rituals emanated, Tamil spread all over Serendib


After 245 BC  
Devine island Eelam that attracted pilgrims in the ancient period,
Serine Island attains a new blessing, Buddhism, introduced serine island
Serenity of multi-facet founded, euphoric of freshness of faith – Eelam
Embraces Buddhism from north to south and east to west –

Tamil professes and propagate Buddhism in the island and South India
Saivism also prevails but in lower profiles, superiority desperate  
Dialect Void Group Embraced Buddhism with Euphoric Ecstasy
As a way out from Saivism domination, still the language is Tamil

I retreat back from 245 BC, for clarity

It is the tranquil serene island floating on the Hindu Ocean

In the ancient period attracted pilgrims over pilgrims for veneration

Thee Devine land of Eelam with Pancha Thissai Panchalayam

Eelam isn’t the break piece of land of Tambapanni or Serendib


Pancha Thissai Panchalayam to be part of landscape of a temple Serendib

Central of the Serenated Island have to be the Karppagraham – the main deity

Pancha Thissai Panchalayam thus assumes inner-circle sub deities of a temple Serendib

Centrally Elevated Sivanolipatham adopted as the Karppagraham – the main deity

Eelam with elevated hill Sivanolipatham that emits the blessings and adopts

Nagulaeswaram for north, easana Thirugoneswarm, North-West Thiruketheeswaram,

Varuna Muneeswaran West, Sandaeswarar South and for South-East Agni Corner

Vally accompanied Kathirgamar, up to North Eastern Koneswaram as circular deities.



 Coming back to post 245 BC, 


Center of the island inhabitants attracted by pure version Buddhism embraces it

Saivism adoring natives stay attached to Dialect gathered become Damala

Buddhism adored natives becomes pensive on Damala attach to the Shaivism –since

Saivism adoring natives’ rituals as of Shaivism was seen as relentless harsh

Buddhism adored natives assume consciousness of use of natural resources
Saivism inhabitants interacts vibrantly hosting with visitors of various tenancies
Buddhism adored natives use Damada the same dialect discreetly to stay unique,
Congress-ed in groups’ in search of means for uniqueness with dominance!


Interpretation of Ancient History Based on Scientific Findings of  Civic Distribution Genetics

Emperor Asoka’s conquering mindset for Greater Emperor
Ends up in Emperor embracing Gautama Buddha’s preaching
Entire Royal of Asoka convinced that way of life is Buddhism
Ends up in Son and Daughter ordinate into Monkhood

Mahinda Thera dreams a mission to spread the Gautama Buddha teachings
Every nation conquered by emperor embrace Buddhism steadily
Mahinda Thera dreams a mission to the Serendib as well in 236 BC
Mahinda Thera postpones the visit Serendib based on Gautama Buddha principle

Muktha Sivan rules Serendib at his senile age, a hardened Siva Devotee
King Muktha Sivan at an older age rules nation with serene principle
Mahinda Thera despite his eagerness and excitement of  
Enlightening mission holds it with Kind and restrain the
Emotional kinetic impulses for the respect of Buddha’s teachings
Esteems the both Ruler Muktha Sivan of Serendib and Buddha’s preaching
Mahinda Thera waits and waits in patience for a mission to accomplice
Expecting Serendib’s Crown Prince maiden confront shall be of Peaceful

Earnestly gathers knowledge of dialect of converse the prince of Serendib
Earth spins on and on Time passes off Comes the year 246 BC
Monarch of Eelam Muktha Sivan attains Siva Mukthi, the Moksha
Muktha Sivan did not condemned into rebirth, as per Saiva karma
Enthrones Muktha Sivan’s son Thevanampi Theesan as Monarch of Eelam
All events gathered by enlightening mission in journeying thru banks of Vaikai
A decade old dedication equips with knowledge of and about Serendib
A mission in mind to accomplish and firmly impress the young king

A decade old dream of Mahinda Thera, comes true  when he gathers the day
Thevanampi Theesan would arrive to Rock Mihinthalai for pleasure hunting
Mahinda Thera’s special entourage leaves an ancient Buddhist temple
Now Aadhi Chokkanathar Temple, In advance along the banks of Vaikai
So that to confront the pleasure seeking Young king in Mihinthalai
Mathura ruler provides security to Mahinda Thera’s entourage
Mahinda arrives in ancient harbour north of Manner Manthai
Along the Banks Aruvi Aaru to arrive in the woods of Mihinthalai

Mahinda Thera confronts Thevanampi Theesan in the Rock Mihinthalai
Confers in dialect –Damala learned in South India for the purpose of Success

Thevanampi Theesan Embraces Buddhism though with doubts for reasoning                         Mahinda accomplice explains to him in the language he is conversant of locally

For the grace it’s reasoned out contents, Thevanampi convinced of rationality
For it to be of just acceptable to the island dwellers and be preached
Serenity of multi-facet founded, euphoric of freshness of faith – Eelam
Embraces Buddhism from north to south and east to west –

Reverent Mahinda’s long wait acquiring acquaintance made the difference
Tamil professes and propagate Buddhism in the island and South India
Buddhism adored native holds preoccupied on Damala due to
Tamil attachment of Saivism, and being a dialect of trade and knowledge
 Suspicious of Saiva natives’ social elevation with wealth and knowledge
A Super trait of Dialect Void Group still intact, sought for salvation
Embraced Buddhism with Euphoric Ecstasy, but high hurdles intact  
Saiva rituals and influence keeps abate of Buddhism Spreading

Monarchs confers Buddhism as the crown doctrine status
Monarchs constructs scores of stupas for veneration
Saiva rituals absorbed into as of rituals of Buddhism for attraction
Buddhism adopted native stays adamant of preoccupied of Damala

Buddhist Monks insists on Pali be dialect preach
Fearing Saivism would over whole the Buddhism in Tamil
Sought and searched for dialect to isolate Tamil and Buddhism
Still Saiva rituals infiltrated the Buddhism in Dharma Deepa, in the

Eagerness of sustainment born of fear, suspicion and jealous
Emancipates the contradiction of Gautama Buddha’s preaching
Fear, suspicion and jealous a dominant trait still survive - a triplet-trait
Zealous search for uniqueness borne out of the onerous triplet-trait 
Welcomes more and more South Indian Buddhist into the island
Indian Hindu revival erupts, Buddhists seeks refuge in serine Serendib
Intermingles intimately with migrant Mongolian +Bengali tribes of Madras
Overzealous seek for rareness, give birth to, but of ostentatious by trait

All born out of rage on Saivist’s search for wealth and knowledge by Tamil
Monarchs demolish temples to build stupas, crowns put the two faiths on war
Thutta Kaimunu war with Ellalan to only to spread Buddhism against Saivism
The Saiva rage tradition propagated generation to generation, thus of Tamil 
Zealous seek for individuality give birth to, Sihala dialect but of gradually 
Graduating slowly off dialects Tamil. Pali, Sanskrit and of Bengali Mongolian
Intimate intermingle Continues with South Indian Buddhist, in colonial period
Sought as a means for uniqueness but with ostentatious trait for dominance,

All against Saivist inhabitants interacting vibrantly with guests all for hosting
Array the visitors of various tenacities, sporadic occurrence of intimacy as well
Ancient behaviour incites intimacy for both alienated group
DNA divulges the details of descend off autochthonous people

Mahawamsam written in Pali, declares that's aim is to preserve Buddhism,
Subject after subject endrose that objective, never a Sinhala Origin of lately gratuated
Mahanma seeds the racism by expanding Thutta Kaimunu war against  Saivist as 
Subject of Demila, since only language prevailed then for threatening Saivist

Alienated initially to avoid confrontation in consuming the nature
Alienation parts them permanently for lack dialect in seek of dominance
They stand divided thru primitive thought of rulers, still the same no
sorprise The people signed the Kandyian Agreement in Tamil, need to 
Hide it for public functions for ostentacious superoirity, 

Lankan DNA divulges the details both have south Indian traits,
High for Sinhala majority and low for native Tamil, and Native Veddha compare reveals
High for Sinhala majority and low for native Tamil, nothing for recent migrants 
Sampling excluded Tamil native Veddha the sampling way of Sri Lankan Science 
That cowardly hide the artifacts of Archiology, 2600 years, 
The truth is to hurt nobody, but a finding a path for serenity for Eelam the Serendib

Key to Read
Eelam = Tambapanni or Serendib = ancient name of Ceylon, or Sri Lanka
Pancha Thissa Panchaahlayam = Five Siva Temples of Five Directions
Easanya Koneswarar                = Deity at North East Siva Temple 
Nagulaeswaram                     = Another version of Lord Siva
Sandeswarar                                   = The last deity in a Siva Temple
Thakshana easwar                                  = Southern located Siva Temple = Sandeswarar
Karppagraham                                       = Main deity at the Centre of a Temple
 Thiruketheeswaram,                          = Another Siva deity
Shaivism or Saivism                = is one of the four most widely followed sects of Hinduism
Muktha Sivan                              = Kings Name
Sivan Mukthy or Siva Mukthy     = Spiritual Moksha status on demise of a Saivist  

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Failure of a Sovereign State - Genesis of a War – for Reconciliation

Failure of a Sovereign State - Genesis of a War – for Reconciliation

An Independent Sovereign State has a responsibility of upholding the constitution it have enacted by word and deeds and are mandated by people to do so through universal franchise time to time - universal franchise – everyone who cast a legitimate vote, trust  and  hope that the government that would be formed through that process would first ensure safety, and peaceful life- this is what happened when Maithripala Sirisena challenged Mahinda Rajapaksa’s third term contest and the State machinery was rather in need of such a move and the minorities of all respect, north to south, east to west and of central hills gave the overwhelming support to that State requirement of the hour.   This is just a classic example of a fact emanated through continuing democratic process of the nation that the minorities of the state have always trusted the constitution enacted and its entrusted responsibility of safe guarding the basic rights, such as right to live equally peaceful, opportunities equally dispersed, and equality of all aspects of living would be guaranteed by whoever elected. Some people, even Sinhalese do, do not have any expectation and or trust in voting system and just avoid voting or go to the Polling Booth and waste their vote through different means, in anger of expectations never materialized, - this is said here to emphasize that people do have constitution oriented expectations while exercising their franchise.  
Did such expectations transpired the way it was fascinated while franchising by the minorities since independence?  
Never happened to the minorities and that is the main reason for the emancipation of a distinct political demand as such for the minorities alone.
Politics of the majority community was never in such a demanding situation, rulers of the nation made sure by promulgating the minority targeting short sited issues, majority are looked after well by the alternative governments, for the sake of winning their votes. No rulers were in a proper governing mood of a plural society.  If the post independent Government had had a vision for peaceful plural society, they wouldn’t have embarked on the mission of changing demographic pattern of East, the State sponsored colonization of Sinhalese only, instead the rulers would have considered land allocation for each community in a particular fresh settlement of peaceful integration rather than of intriguing chauvinistic demography altering unsettlements.
Few years later they introduced the Sinhala only Language Bill, in an arrogant, rapid rigorous manner, despite the fact that the rulers were well aware that there were populace of Tamils and Muslims who cannot cope with any kind of rapid change, in this case it is 24 hours. Psychologically it is just an outcome of a thought of the post-independence majority community to prove themselves that they are really Sinhalese for some reasons.   Those who tasked with the forming of the Government just after independence, were of well-educated and were well aware that leaders of Muslim and Tamils communities contributed immensely and trusted the Sinhalese leaders during the transition of power from the British to them. Thus the above non-visionary actions are just not hegemonic  political survival alone, what transpires is something else.
The Independent State has fallen pray for notion of fear that the wealthy and knowledgeable minorities would overhaul back the ruling status, suspicion of other inhabitants, borne out of Myths and lies of Mahavamsa, the same as an insinuated ‘constitution’ within the system, it has been in practice generation to generation; written constitution for fooling the rest of the society locally as well as globally for a well devised deceptive, single religion, single language, oriented action plan for supremacy/hegemony politics demonizing Tamils and others.

 Nobody can challenge the right of the majority community to have faith and believe in whatever a fictional history or a true philosophy that renders them to attain the spiritual accomplishments, whether it is a myth or true it is only a concern of those who preach and practice only;But when these believes in chronicles induct hate and disintegration of other faiths and the members of those faiths not followed by the majority then it becomes the issue of everybody, including of those articulating ethnic cleansing for sustaining the wrongly interpreted noble teaching in favour of a particular community .  Whichever the faith that articulates intimidation and killing as means for it survival, will not be respected at all and will be hated for its practices, and that is what happened to Buddhism in the North and East of the Island, at the turn of 6th Century AD,   where all slowly but steadily reverted back to Saivism, after embracing Buddhism from 246 BC to 5th century AD. 

The State set in motion a well collaborated all out plan that would marginalize the other communities based on Mahavamsa myth created in 5th Century AD for the sustaining of Buddhism against the reviving upheaval  of Saivism within India and South India which they found only early as early 20th Century through British – a foolish inheritance of insinuated  practice.   

Otherwise, how can one explain the behaviour of a Responsible State in the following incidents of the post independent history of the nation?

1958 communal riots was a well-orchestrated one by the State in order to install fear in the minds of minorities, with an aim of implementing the Sinhala only bill and colonization of Sinhalese as well as any other actions that would attain the “minorities are not Sri Lankan entities” free of any protest arising - based on the selected people theory of Mahavamsa imagination. 

Tamil Nationalism is only a reaction to the Sinhala nationalism

Compatriot Parliament Members, were organizing a Nonviolent Satyagraha in protest of Sinhala only bill and against the Sinhala colonization, on behalf of the people they were representing, - as the movement took momentum, the State Radio Ceylon, broadcast an utter lie of a news item that the Parliament Members in unruly behaviour and disturbing the peace, and on top of it imposed curfew and deployed the army to dismantle the Nonviolent Satyagraha. Army enters the podium, boot kicks, the Parliamentarians, lift them by force, rifle-but charged them, break the heads of many, - Curfew was used to loot the shops and the people get caught in the suddenly imposed curfew were harassed by various means, demonizing the opposing political campaign. 
 The parliament is the forum where all the issues of the public of all respect, has to be deliberated and confronting need of the people has to be addressed.   When the Tamil Parliamentarians rise to speak all Sinhalese Parliamentarians leave the chamber for other business. (Their other business time is that is allocated for the Tamil MPs to speak)  In the aftermath of above incident not a single Sinhalese political leader, commiserated Tamil MPs or condemned the action of Army, or was prepared to call the action of the Tamil MPs was a legitimate rightful opposition.  
It should be noted here again when the people fulfill their franchise commitment they do hope that the constitutionally guaranteed basic rights of the citizen would be safeguarded regardless of to whom they are voting and that is the hallmark  of Parliamentary Democracy and  Tamils undoubtedly continued to have faith in it.
It took more than 25 years for the post-independence Sinhalese leaders to totally realize that there are considerable populace that are conversing only in Tamil, incapable of using any other language, further importantly Sinhalese regime realized that no Tamil can be converted into a Sinhalese by changing the official language, similar to the way Tamil speaking natives gradually became Sinhalese long after 6th Century AD; similar pattern was witnessed during a later period, Kandy Accord to hand over Kindy Kingdom to the British was signed in Tamil by the so called Sinhalese. One of the Clause laid by Sinhalese using the Tamil dialect to that same Kandy Accord, declares that all Malabar People who arrives within Kandy under of British Ruled be killed!  The interpretation of “Malabar People” could be one of the reasons, for post independent “wholesome killings” through series of communal rioting, a theme pronounced in Mahavamsa found during British rule as well.  Thus a reasonable doubt arise here, whether the Buddhist Spiritual Leaders, reserves the commandment of Defense System and in enforcement of Law and Order over the State and the above amply proves that, a religious directive had been delivered or have been insinuated to the effect of only Sinhalese have to be benefited in any kind of disputes.  A clergy decree that cannot be overruled, which is a normal practice for Buddhists. 
Malabar People are Keralans, who pronounce their language, similar to the pure Tamil spoken by North Eastern Sri Lankan Tamils, and cooking & eating habits are also still very similar, and the European invaders wrongly implied them as Tamils, and vice versa  and the Sinhalese consumed into it for  their convenience. That doesn’t any way means North Eastern Tamil people are descendants Keralans, because Tamil is the one of the oldest language in use on the earth, Malayalam sprinted comparatively recently yet to get into the proper language status.  All the modern Sri Lankan Historians and Researchers predominantly of Sinhalese have established that Sri Lankan Tamils and Sinhalese had a common ancestor; even the most Sinhala biased archaeologist/researcher Dr. Senarat Paranavithana says, “the vast majority of the people who today speak Sinhalese or Tamil must be ultimately be descended from those autochthonous people of whom we know next to nothing”.
In all the series of communal rioting 1958, 1977 and 1983 The State machinery was very much ineffective. Some Buddhist religious leaders were in arrogance to tell or to insinuate that the Tamils have no homeland in Sri Lanka and go back to Tamil Nadu, if Tamils cannot accept Sinhala-Buddhist language, religion and culture as the significant culture of Sri Lanka including the Tamil North and East. This was the basis for all these communal rioting. But in contrast Tamils of North East who have their nativity within entire Sri Lanka since ancient period, and were dispersed to North and East from same Anuradhapura /Polonaruwara since the ancient Anuradhapura /Polonaruwara period - But the aggressors didn’t understand the human psychology that any person with self-respect would retaliate to the intimidating, would not naturally give up the native rights as well, many will not retaliate immediately but it would be only for a stronger vengeance later.
But being a Sovereign State it was well aware of these incoming response still allowed the communal rioting take its own toll and its own course to end.  But two exceptions were also recorded; in 1976 where Srimavo Bandaranayke ordered the Navy to take control of the situation within Trincomalee District and in 1985 the Police was able confine rioting within Nuwara-Eliya and Ratnapura Districts through an order of District Judge.  This proves that there is a hidden commanding force that allows the anti-Tamil rioting take its own course to end, without any interventions!
1983 holocaust   of Welikada Jail manifested most gruesome cruelty on a prisoner’s last wish of donating his eyes, apart from the torture &murder of inmates.  The worst was an army officer was just watching on the entire gruesome process of removing eyes of that prisoner’s on a last wish that was pronounced in a Court of Justice!  Can a reconciliation effort survive the rulers with such hysterical maniacs, who placed an army officer to look after the entire gruesome process? 
Absolute failure of the Defense forces and the Law Enforcement of the Sovereign State.
The perpetrators of pogroms should be ashamed of themselves if they are really human beings, but they are Leo-Men of self-selected defenders, of Buddhism created by Mahavihara monks of Anuradapura led by Ven. Mahanama of 5th Century AD, a total contradiction of Buddhism that fascinated the Naga King Thevanambi Theesan as preached by Ven. Mahinda in 246BC. 
Hence the entire processing of 1983 riots as well as the 1984 deploying of Army in Excess following a shooting down a policeman in Jaffna were the mechanisms for the precipitation of the war that has been the deliberate pogroms by the State since 1956. The climax of such inciting connivance was, the brutal burning down of the South East Asia’s best collection of books in the Jaffna people’s proud property- The Jaffna Public Library was brought down to ashes by the men who came along with Cabinet Ministers Siril Mathew and Gamini Dissanayake a Cambridge University alumnus of law, for the purpose of 1980 rioting within Jaffna Municipal limits. This library had in possession of many chronicles of Island’s history beyond 2500 years and recorded events of all International Conference Tamil Research including that of 1974, Yalppanam Conference.

It has been globally recognized that the Tamil Language is among the ten very oldest languages. If the State of Sri Lanka had have opted with blessings to allow, the 1974 International Research Conference of  a surviving classical language for more than 5000 years old, be held in a place where it is still spoken proudly in its purest form no untoward would have taken place on final day closing ceremony. 

     A Donkey cannot be expected to be impressed by the fragrant of Camphor!

If the Sinhalese are ardent of their language, sprinted fairly late as later than 7th Century AD perfectly adorned by Tamil mainly and Pali Sanskrit and Grantha, why cannot Tamils be proud and be celebrating of their 5000 years old language; the Sinhalese should consider privileged and proud that the one of the oldest language had contributed to their dialect, and their compatriots are still using such an oldest language within the same Nation.  The authorities just doing opposite to this, they are such preoccupied against Tamil, and they teach generation by generation that Tamils are of “Nappuru”, and in one Sinhala text book it has been printed as such as per their inherited insinuate constitution.  Sinhala language despite its late origin, carries very vibrant attractiveness through diverse of cultural applications, and have to be proud about it. But the inherited habit of bad description of brethren speaking language people confers ugliness on it.
Common Sinhalese people are not jealousy naturally, but religious and Political leaders are inducting common innocent people particularly through the former because of their influence on them, the innocent believe whatever they say.
Everything was going on smoothly for that conference until the final day of finishing programs in the evening.  The crony of the regime in that period, nocturnal door knocking Mayor in many sense, was at work, he brought some thugs to the meeting being held for the finishing Ceremony, inducted stone throwing towards the podium of speakers seated.  Being a Mayor he informed, his booze mate Jaffna ASP, Chandrasegara, the Police with his battalion arrived at the scene ran amok, repeatedly shot at the electric post, supplying electricity to the podium, the livewire brought down and 10 people were electrocuted, 6 died of stampede due to that commotion, such a crowd was assembled to witness the final day summing up of successful research deliberation for more than a week. It is such that Tamil People respect and love their language more than their life!  The Jaffna ASP was promoted as SP and the Magistrate Balakidnar who failed to give an open verdict, into those murders and saw the whole episode as of accidental deaths, all under duress of Colombo regime, was later promoted as a District Judge!  Such was the preoccupied hate against the oldest language surviving on the earth!
The Organizing Committee Chairman, Prof. Su. Vithiyananthan had a vision as Head of the Department of Tamil, University of Peradeniya then, in taking the Conference to Jaffna, against the wish of the State that it be held in Colombo, if not for the spontaneous response shown by the Tamil people there would have been a Sinhala hooliganism ended the entire proceedings instead of the final day evening only!!
The same Mayor was shot dead by Velupillai Prabaharan two years later!

 A Sovereign State cannot be inferior to any organization inland or any other Sovereign State.              It was and it has been!

All discussion above is about of a program of establishing a Sovereign State that to be prepared for taking on a foreign invasion militarily. Sri Lanka being an island has no any border dispute in order to expose the defense system – in real warring experience, and the Sinhalese Government unleashed a  pogrom to achieve it inland. Therefore up to 1977 all actions of the State were that of induction the younger generation of Tamils into an agitation attitude, unfortunately for the State, Sinhala youth as well got agitated and it culminated in terrorizing revolt of 1971 &1989 in the South baring North and East of the Island.  The State has self-sinned itself by their focused scheming of racist pogrom, was under a confident clout as of enough being done to Sinhalese youth and the April 1971 coup commotion exposed the absolute inadequacy of defense system as foreseen by post-independence Sri Lankan leaders, but for the absolute dismay to them, as they had to call the Indian Military assistance much earlier than anticipated by the State. This propelled the Sovereign State of Sri Lanka, to further strengthen the above program.  Thus since 1976, RGOSL being well aware Tamil youth had have been agitated, and forming groups wanted to sustain it rather than to prevent, so as to construct a warring situation.  Only the present Government’s actions will decide whether such an action plan is absolute racism and a program of ethnic cleansing, but such a pogrom was very much unbecoming of a Sovereign State to have put its entire population to immense peril but Tamils along with Islamic brethren have been subjected to repeatedly for loss of life in hundred thousands, rendered invalid in many tens of thousands, the surviving repeatedly made refugees, loss of property and earnings many a times, absolute mayhem beyond descriptions.  But the fact is that the minorities have contributed immensely towards the defense sector of a nation building process   
If Janata Vimukthy Peramuna who terrorized the southern block twice, revolting to topple an elected government, can be given a pardon, so do deserve the Tamil prisoners of a concocted war of inland. On top of it, the Political leaders of south connived with main double crossing leaders of LTTE who all throughout continued conscription cadres for LTTE, as part of the above prolonged program, are enjoying the special privileges of the State while the cadres conscripted are in the prison cells. Another doubleheader or Selective Justice of the Sovereign State.
Numerous Commissions are appointed then and there, in other words whenever law and order has been misappropriated, only to divert the attention of the public query and to effectively cover the intentionally subordinating the written constitution for the programs of the inherited insinuates, emancipated off religious sentiments. Thus it is anybody’s guess that how many commissions would have been appointed and how much enormous public funds being wasted on “implementing the doubleheader snaky constitutions.” The latest one of such commission to release its report is Maxwell Paranagama commission on missing persons; I had a huge confidence on this commission when it was hearing the, as much as possible crying, weeping and whims of those grieving for missing their loved ones for such long undefined period. But he had proved himself none other than the above lot who was appointed to cover the implementation of the “doubleheader snaky constitution”, when he finally presented the report, the lamenting commissioner had ventured far outside of his mandated as per the twin Gazette Notifications. Even though the commission had interviewed scores of directly affected public, who in Maxwell Paranagama found a consoling drainage of grieve of so long, repeats the propaganda nauseam the State narrative that the LTTE held the people hostage. The “Parana Coat” has failed to mention the dilemma of those 300,000 public get caught referred to as of hostages were with no clue whatsoever where to run; for them the ARMY has not done the best of it, or rather not shown anything good of it to attract the ordinary people in quandary towards them for at least 3 years since liberating the East from the LTTE  - the “Parana Coat deliberately omitted the public grieve drained on him as of above, and had vomited the same old very confined matter. The so-called Military Expert (ME) from the UK, rushes hurriedly to buy the same narrative of the State and makes those same mistakes in failing to consider the predicament of the people.  Even from an absolute militaristic standpoint, he with clumsy arguments overrides the facts that there were possible alternative strategies other than that of using heavy artillery to rain shells towards civilian concentrated areas, once the army had captured the East, the Western Vanni and Kilinochchi, and surrounded the coast of Mullaitivu. The argument that the SL military is not sophisticated enough and didn’t have enough other military equipment or training is really an admission of guilt and the claim that all heavy weapon use had been stopped is absolute lie. In contrast the fact is, entire war program of the State was to expose the defense personals to, experience using of all heavy military equipment and its ultra-modern techniques, in a real warring situation.  That is why the Sovereign State of Sri Lanka left the people of 300, 000 to be with LTTE for so long through meticulous construction of a war for exactly of intended finish.  

The total failure of a Sovereign State, upon the entrusted responsibility of ensuring safety of its entire population, by a program of constructing war against minorities who also integral part of the same Sovereign State. Reconciliation Mechanism is mandated to search for truthful and truth as answers only for all the following questions. 

1.       Apart from natural disasters, how many times you will force your country men as refugees?

2.       How long you will force your country men as refugees once you have forced them as refugees?
3.       The prime objective of the Defense forces and the Police forces should be to ensure the people a peaceful life, public;s security whoever it may be, have they done it for the embracing satisfaction of minorities since independence?  
4.       Why on the earth the Sovereign State failed to arrest V. Prabaharan, as soon as he shot killed the Mayor of Jaffna instantaneously at Ponnalai Varatharaja Perumal Temple?
5.        He was hosted by the Appapillai Amirthaligham with the toast of hoppers the same night, closest Police Station Chankanai functioning only 4km away from that residence, and there was a navy camp 8km away at Karainagar, why those had been installed there just only for “wholesome” subjection of people;  wasn’t it for a scheming, knowing that V. Prabaharan was on a wanted list some other offenses earlier as well,  A. Amirthaligham was not a MP then and there is no question about any special privileges, no action was taken
6.      In 1977 Veluppilai Prabaharan and his accomplices ambushed a radio-car with few CID officers at the same farm, in close proximity to Thalldi Army Camp, Mannar one of the biggest then existed.  But when Compatriot Parliament Members, were organizing a Nonviolent Satyagraha in 1962 in protest of Sinhala only bill against the Sinhala colonization and other grievances on behalf of the people they were representing for their legitimate rights of language and equality, army was deployed and harassment, robing, and looting were made order of the day.
Why such an action was not taken to avert a relatively higher catastrophe on the above 4, 5 & 6? 

An absolute failure of the Sovereign State in all 3 instances, in 1962, 1976 and 1977 how? Search for truth -
Action not taken is not an action at all for a Sovereign State
Wasn’t the State became inferior to the collaboration of Prabaharan and Amirthaligham by failing to enforce the law at an appropriate time so as to prevent the incoming catastrophe and miseries and save the people from it?
7.       You all refer and talk about Sovereign State and Sovereignty of State when demanded or recommended international expertise to inquire into all Human Rights Violations – but when India wanted to halt the Operation Liberation, in 1987 The Sinhala state without any objection, that is you all just surrendered putting your tails under the legs, which is otherwise always raises whenever a Tamil issue is raised. Isn’t it that Sovereignty of the Nation is immaterial for the Sinhala State whenever there arise an opportunity to torture, rape harass and kill the Tamils by a foreign force?  
8.       Why on the earth you all failed to arrest or shoot down V. Prabaharan before meekly submitting to India, letting lose a criminal as savior of Tamils, for the 3rd time,
9.       Isn’t it that amounts to abandoning the responsibility of national security of minority public? Wasn’t it endangered the entire population as well.
Then Tamils and Muslims, I mean the public, not their leaders, require a different defense system and a separate police to enforce the law order then and there, so as to save them from manmade calamities,

Absolute blundering of a Sovereign State’s responsibility. How on the earth we can trust or expect a Sinhalese State would further protect the minority population?

Forget and forgive for who? from whom ?