Thursday, October 22, 2015

What is Tamil Elam? A Series

What is Eelam? A Wijeya Thasamy Day Look Back 1.

Before 245 BC

It is the tranquil serene island floating on the Hindu Ocean

In the ancient period attracted pilgrims over pilgrims for veneration

Thee Devine land of Eelam with Pancha Thissai Panchalayam

It isn’t the break piece of land of Tambapanni or Serendib


Eelam isn’t the break piece of land Tambapanni or Serendib

It is the tranquil serene island floating in the India Ocean


Land of Eelam a temple landscape by Pancha Thissa Panchaahlayam

Begins with Nagulaeswaram for north, Sandeswarar for the South 

Easanya Koneswarar, Ketheeswar for Northwest Zeneith and

Muneeswarar from west to face the east completes the temple shape


For the veneration by many in the ancient period of serene, four

Survived the turnover of events off the history and turmoil, Thakshana easwar   

Stays in ruins lost its Daily Devotional care, ruins the mind of all respect

Sivan all over Serendib, Sanskrit is dialect of devote Tamil is the dialect in use


Dialect devoid natives have been the natural inhabitants, earliest Saiva practice

Delivered the Tamil as dialect medium, still surviving its virginity only in Eelam 

Differences developed among autochthonous, one group remained dialect free,

Dialect free devotional rituals emanated, Tamil spread all over Serendib

After 245 BC  

Devine island Eelam that attracted pilgrims in the ancient period,

Serine Island attains a new blessing, Buddhism, introduced in serine island

Serenity of multi-facet founded, euphoric of freshness of faith – Eelam

Embraces Buddhism from north to south and east to west –


Tamil professes and propagate Buddhism in the island and South India

Saivism also prevails but in lower profiles, superiority desperate  

Dialect Void Group Embraced Buddhism with Euphoric Ecstasy

As a way out from Saivism domination, still the language is Tamil

.............................To be Continued

What is Eelam? A Wijeya Thasamy Day Look Back .2

I retreat back to 245 BC, for clarity

It is the tranquil serene island floating on the Hindu Ocean

In the ancient period attracted pilgrims over pilgrims for veneration

Thee Devine land of Eelam with Pancha Thissai Panchalayam

Eelam isn’t the break piece of land of Tambapanni or Serendib


Pancha Thissai Panchalayam to be part of landscape of a temple Serendib

Central of the Serenated Island have to be the Karppagraham – the main deity

Pancha Thissai Panchalayam thus assumes inner-circle sub deities of a temple Serendib

Centrally Elevated Sivanolipatham adopted as the Karppagraham – the main deity

Eelam with elevated hill Sivanolipatham that emits the blessings and adopts

Nagulaeswaram for north, easana Thirugoneswarm, North-West Thiruketheeswaram, Varuna Muneeswaran West, Sandaeswarar South and for South-East Agni Corner

Vally accompanied Kathirgamar, up to North Eastern Koneswaram as circular deities.


Coming back to post 245 BC,  


Center of the island inhabitants attracted by pure version Buddhism embraces it

Shaivism adoring natives stay attached to Dialect gathered become Damala

Buddhism adored natives becomes pensive on Damala attach to the Shaivism –since

Shaivism adoring natives’ rituals as of Shaivism was seen as relentless harsh

Buddhism adored natives assume consciousness of use of natural resources
Shaivism inhabitants interacts vibrantly hosting with visitors of various tenacities
Buddhism adored natives use Damada the same dialect discreetly to stay unique,
Congressed in groups’ in search of means for uniqueness with dominance!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Revamping the Sri Lanka Railways towards National Transport Policy

Revamping the Sri Lanka Railways towards National Transport Policy

The railway is in a complete mess - Everything Wrong with the Railway, It appeared to me as that the authorities wanted to do away the railways, whenever I took a train to out skirts of Colombo, a complete mess.

Please do not do away the railway transport, because simply you cannot afford to give more burden to the road transport which is already bungled up with resolvable congestion of traffic and jamming at every junction as it tries to passage ever booming vehicle. The best solution is to work in coordination with railways, or vice-versa to solve the burning problems of entire transport system, which itself badly require a complete revamp, starting with remodeling the existing system. Different sections of CGR should work in integration in targeting to achieve three objectives.


1. Providing decent, civilized and safety ensured transport service to working sector, suburbs to urban 

2. Attracting more passengers towards railways as means of attracting commuters towards Public Transport as a National Policy.

3.  Resource management to increase the efficiency of available locomotives and engines through innovative operations.

It is a must before considering the massive projects of 5 and 10 year plans as solution for present problems, to look into what we are doing now and how we are managing the available resources towards solving the problems we are facing now. Unless we do that, how we are going to simply cope up with such sophisticated systems and claim it would be a successful plan to the present crisis born out of mess, crisis is born out from messing up.

A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transportation. It was said by a Colombian Mayor – but well fits into the Colombo’s Necessity, it is mandated to resolve the problem within the available resources first, before venturing into mega projects we all know why they are in lookout for mega projects. Bungling up for Newer and bungle the new as well, it is a cyclic manipulation for corruption knowingly or unknowingly through mismanagement – absence of self-analytical improvement leads to failure of the system both by commuter satisfaction as well as for economic benefits and income.

I suggested of mono rail system over Colombo Metropolitan in 2004, I am not backing up, but let us know where and how we faltering  so that to cope up with a new one.

Install real attractiveness and safety into the CGR service to the commuters to meet the above, this would be far better than introducing the luxury bus service in order to ease the traffic  congestion of the already cramped up road travel. How many a luxury bus can accommodate for a destination.  Therefore it is clearer that attracting the commuters towards public transport is far more economical than through road transport. But the railway is already packed up with cramping of passengers particularly of suburbs of Colombo the work force – these important people of each and every sector are jam packed to squeeze out the healthy strength to and fro everyday 5 to 6 days a week, a work force cannot be treated like this.

The Railway system is one of those that we inherited from our colonial masters, and if we imagine that they would have planned it in a manner suiting to our people’s respect and decency of travel never, Sri Lanka Railways (CGR) [I find no reason to call it SLR] should consider their commuters as respectable human being, not as begging animals languishing for cheapest transport mode. First CGR shall make some attempt to install some respect to the commuters and the wagons designed for “can-packing of humans” should be removed from the full passenger system and be used for transport of vendors with commodities, vegetables catch of fish and animals and should be the cheapest mode of class; these “Bench Seated” compartments suits to the vendors and the railway authorities should make arrangements to promote these “special compartments” and making additional income through every train plying on coastal  lines, most importantly in “Raja Rata Rajani” plying from Vavuniya to Matara which is a farmers travel mode apart from pilgrims and Tourists. Therefore each train carrying the office crowd to Colombo should have class variations of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and the fourth Vendor Special Class, and the present 3rd class rate should be the rate for Vendor Special Class in order promote this and to provide a decent travelling for the office crowd of Colombo, replaced with decent adequately seated compartments only for commuters.  

0530HRS to 0930HRS and 1630HRS 1900HRS be declared as workforce travel time CGR and schedule the trains for no-standing travel. CGR be prepared to release trains all seated according to the demand at the beginning of crucial but necessary changes– then reschedule it for passenger convenience only. Resource management of engines should play a crucial role for the success of this project.

You must ban or introduce system that shunts away the standing while travelling in a train whatever the distance for the best reasons of safety of a passenger, decency as well to be attractive. 

Whatever the distance the trains must have class deference, and each and every ticket issuing officer shall have the knowledge of strength, capacity and pros and cons of class variations of each train at his fingertips – this requires internal networking communication within among stations, this applies to short distance trains as well as long distance trains.  All coastal line trains particularly of those plying towards Galle, Matara and Necombo urgently requires decent seated compartments, I have seen tourists travelling up to Galle from Colombo Fort standing and I was also one of them who couldn’t not only find a seat, even could not stand properly due to overcrowding in a train that left Fort by 0935 and reached Galle 1330. These destinations should have trains every hour and be attractive too, just alone running condition wagon won’t do.   

It is laborious to implement the above, nevertheless the present crisis of transport system and the train commuters plight to-gather demands to come out of conventional systems of colonial period stigma of signal systems tracks and timing, revamping the entire system so as to accommodate more trains as many as every ten minutes for the suburb work force people travel back and forth to Colombo stress free so you naturally get an better out from them for any sector!  Quite obviously it demands a labour force and able supervisors for maintenance of track and modern alert systems, you have to eat a bitter pill to get rid of the ill, let that people have some money hard earned!! Even the Locomotives and engines that can power more wagons and compartments have to be looked for rather than adhering to the conventional system. Different sections of CGR should work in integration in targeting to achieve three objectives above said. Even the Station Masters and staffs shall come out of their conventional clout and may need to act readily alleviate the train delays and passenger difficulties through the knowledge modern information technology.

Just for loading and unloading in between destinations and just running between destinations we don’t need a system at the caliber of Ceylon Government Railways!


Friday, October 2, 2015

The Pathway for the Courts of the Hybrid Government

Sri Lanka has  become a co-sponsor for UNOHCHRC Resolution on Sri Lanka that has been unanimously adopted on the September 30th, 2015.
 We all hope that a new chapter and pathways are being opened for better understanding of ethnic communities’ dignity and self-respect in relation to each other in an independent nation. The progress of Sri Lankan regarding delivering the consoling justice to the affected people being a co-sponsor would come for more closer scrutiny, than being isolated mere respondent of responsibilities pointed out by community of Human Rights concerned nations. 
As such it worth looking back at some bitter truth, 03 decades old facts are of national importance in the present context, in which State Leaders, have just promised to the member nations of UN-HRC that it would work hard for better civilized responsibilities of delivering equal justice, restitution and non-repentance of the past ordeals for civics. The hybrid government must respond to it not for any other reasons than consoling and comforting their own people torn by the war willfully protracted for 30 years (If this government considers the same affected people are of  theirs and of no one else's) who still striving to live normally even after 6 years of end of war.
This is for the conscience of the all members of the Hybrid Government, Committee of Reconciliation and the Courts of Hybrid Government

The two main political parties which ruled this pluralistic ethnic nation by the name of Sri Lankan Government which should have been always bound to ensure law enforcement unabated, by some series of following tabulated bizarre actions very much inappropriate for a sovereign independent state,   willfully protracted the war, for 30 long years has prevented Natural Integration of Ethnic Communities, rather permanently within the nation and are presently hatching out the planed enforced reconciliation, again for their own benefit, as has been in the past post independently against the real need of National Integration through allowing the people to be compassionate to each other in difficult times, hence it is high time that the people's representatives reflect these sentiments.   
1.   Failing to arrest Veluppilai Prabaharan and his accomplices when they were having dinner of hoppers at Amirthalingam’s house, immediately or later following gunning down Alfred Duraippah, at Ponnalai. 
2.     Failing to apply a return ambush at Kadju Farm Murungan Mannar Road when Veluppilai Prabaharan and his accomplices ambushed a radio-car with few CID officers at the same farm, despite of its close proximity to Thalldi Army Camp, Mannar one of the biggest then existed.  
3.   Bringing an abrupt halt to the  Vadamarachchy Operation Liberation in May 1987, when General Denzil Kobbekaduwa and Brig. Wimalasundra’s battalion  have managed to isolate the civilians from rest of the fighting groups including Veluppilai Prabaharan and LTTE, and thus for failing to arrest or shoot down the most wanted people of the law by then and failing to avoid catastrophe in succeeding years by that abrupt halt of Operation Liberation 
4.    Failing to uphold the Sovereignty of Democratic Socialistic Republic of Sri Lanka, which is uttermost responsibility of a Responsible Government at the most required time, by halting the Operation Liberation at a crucial juncture at the behest of India another Sovereign Independent Nation (Could have finished the job swiftly said in above 3. and then sign the agreement)
5.  By the action said in above 4 the Responsible Government of Sri Lanka (here in after referred to as RGOSL) wasted an opportunity to tear the Indian Super Power attitude and its’ face mask for the betterment Regional Independent Nations’ Sovereignty; worst of all RGOSL allowed Veluppilai Prabaharan to be carried off to Delhi by an Indian Helicopter from the shores of Sri Lanka, then to return by same means instead of to Colombo on both occasions – with ulterior motives unveiled later as a war. 
6.     By the actions above said 3 and 4 of RGOSL, the siege by the LTTE as well as by other groups over the entire population lived in the North and East of Sri Lanka and over the defense installations there in were allowed to recommence swiftly, though unfortunately for entire Sri Lanka population.
7.    By agreeing to sign and signing an accord at the behest of India, the treacherous act described in above 4, was repeated, and the entire population lived in the North and East was exposed to the atrocities of Indian Peace Keeping Force, and to the crony groups ENDLF, EPRLF, TELO, PLOT, and the worst to the war against LTTE, and the atrocities of LLTE as well. This is an absolute failure, and abandoning the responsibility of the RGOSL, and its constituent Defense Forces to protect and saving its own population from external forces and miseries. More than 20,000 people perished apart from permanently inflicted trauma and despair of war on the living people. Though RGOSL, failed to compensate or compassionate towards that IPKF war affected people, India did only compensate for lose life and property.
8.   In the Alambil Jungle, though IPKF have managed again to trap the, Veluppilai Prabaharan and LTTE far, far away from the civilians, again RGOSL, failed to give the necessary shooting orders in time to IPKF, Thus the RGOSL, failed, again to prevent the mayhem all that have been done by LTTE from there on and failed to protect the people, to which the accord was signed RGOSL, claimed.
9.    Though the prime aim should have been to eradicate the LTTE and its terrorist activities, Government of Sri Lanka, acted invariably constantly in series of contradicting manner, funding, providing arms and ammunition, at the same time the security forces had been engaged in war with the same group, keeping the state of commotion afloat, totally disrupted of day to day life people of unabated.
10.  as such in above 9. RGOSL, connived with LTTE,  exposed very able, dedicated, members of defense forces who were very capable of  segregating the civilians from terrorists and terrorism   to be targets of LTTE and to be killed by same LTTE; to name a few, General Dezil Kobbekaduwa, Wimalratne, Clarence Wiyewardene  and Brig. Wimalasundra.  Similarly political rivalry also connived with LTTE to get rid of one or the other and not only succeeded in devil dared political maneuvering but also in propagating a maneuvered suspicion among  gullible that the Tamil civilians, are against the State as well its leaders through LTTE. In one of those political killing, main informer to LTTE was a former cabinet of minister famous for highhandedness.
11.  As such, pursuing the above action said in 10 the both political parties using the name Government of Sri Lanka deliberately closed the pathways for natural integration between the two major ethnic communities.
12.  An action plan with a notion of Sinhala Buddhist Nation, was allowed to spread intentionally, hence the above said 10, and thus 11 took its own course to polarize the Sri Lankan society and pushing the Tamil civilians towards LTTE further and further.
13.   LTTE on its part, as grown in stature in indisputable terms locally and internationally, staked claim as sole representatives of Tamil people, and to be attractive to that impression conducted series attacks on border villages, monasteries and suicide bombarding in civilian predominant places, such as Railways, Bus-Stand etc. Even their own brethren were killed in spree.
14. The grown stature of LTTE, as above inducted themselves to carry out suicide bombarding of economically important places of RGOSL, such as Central Bank, etc.
15.  RGOSL by its own actions tabulated all above, concocted state of concede to carry out ostentatious cosmopolitan decorated Peace Talks for deception, with off tracking LTTE, and then entered into a ceasefire agreement (CFA) thus pushing the ordinary Tamil civilians towards LTTE and  made them to keep Himalayan Trust on LTTE for their unresolved issues
16.  Having constructed a full-fledged war, as an action plan, RGOSL using planes, artillery and mortar bombarded civilian targets on the pretext of LTTE targets, within its own territory.
17.  From above all, it is abundantly clear that GOSL wanted a situation mass of population going behind LTTE, and did achieve it, rather than attracting the people of the land towards its rulers RGOSL
18.  It is also abundantly clear that the above tabulated series of actions by the so called RGOSL were in line with, meticulously constructing a situation prolonging and culminating to be equivalent of 1971 and 1989, Machiavellians and Machiavellianism massacre, outside North and East of the country for the reasons described in above 12. 
RGOSL at numerous occasions have ignored the law enforcement and failed to nip in the bud the crimes, discounted the opportunities of ending the conflict earlier than it intended for, through pursuing of above, meticulously constructing a war compacted with civilians with a prime motive of teaching a lesson for Tamil people who have constantly voted in the political parties for parliament, other than political parties ruled country alternatively, whom now have formed a hybrid a government (on the pretext) to redress the State Civics of all respect undergone more sufferings than enjoyment (only few elites than majority), by the actions of politicians very much lacking maturity of Statesmanship, that is necessary for governing the pluralistic Nation. With notions of Sinhala Buddhist Nation concept deeply rooted in every aspect of the Government, militarization of civilian habitat to the maximum is part of that notion, are the other reasons for the construction of a full-fledged warring situation as well as for willfully protracting the conflict.  
All these leading to present scenario of Human Rights violations of both warring parties during the last ditch of a protracted war as sited by OISL, of the UNOHCHRC.
There are lot of fuss and brouhaha over the Human Rights violations of LTTE, by many Sinhala leaders; there were plenty on the part of LTTE, such as forced child conscription for war, human shield installing weapons human save areas etc.  But who is at fault, it is again the RGOSL who should be responding into inquire to those as well, because it happened with in Sri Lankan territory by the LTTE. It is RGSOL who does not want an inquiry against LTTE, for the reasons above listed. That is the same reason for gunning down the surrendered LTTE leaders during last stages of war, - if an inquiry is instituted against LTTE, all above will be transpired that is the worry for RGOSL.
But what RGOSL shall realize is, such an inquiry into war crimes by LTTE to know the truth will boost the natural national integration over the enforced reconciliation.  
Action against financiers and other international operatives and agencies will be an integral part of the criminal investigation that the UN High Commissioner’s report has proposed through the recommended involvement of international personnel in the accountability process. People irrespective of ethnicity are pondering why law enforcement could not lay hand on Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan alias Pilliyan, Vinayakamoorthy Murlatharan alias Karuna Amman, and Kumaran Pathmanathan alias KP all are of numerous crimes of openly known; is that because now they have become admirers of hidden notions of RGOSL or above listed reasons.
The build up by the RGOSL construed from the above listed actions is so that objected to be a lesson through absolute brutal ruthlessness within a compacted of mass of people that has been conglomerated within a very constricted area intermingled with fighting cadres of LTTE, through above listed actions of RGOSL as well as by LTTE. Lack of laws pertaining to Human Rights and crimes during a war also have induced, and inducted the planers of the war to be so brutal and demonstrate ruthlessness as part of the lesson of life for the Tamil Civilians from a defense systems entirely bursting with Sinhala Buddhist notion for whom to or how to vote in a Parliamentary Elections in the pretext of fighting a separatist war against brought up ruthless terrorist organization. The terrorizing ruthlessness were executed in the following manner, as communed by living witnesses as well as to be witnessed to the Inquiring experts on Sri Lanka of UNOHCHR.
i.              Depriving enough food and medicines required for civilians made to be entrapped during period between 2006 and 2009
ii.             Indiscriminate shelling towards civilians using heavy artillery, Ariel bombarding supersonics   cluster bombs and shells within and outside the warring area
iii.             Shooting down of one by one of a line of surrendered people irreverent it was ordinary civilians or militants,  
iv.            Made the own people of over 300,000 to be entrapped, entangled them, into a Warring Zone then ostentatiously announced an No War Zone within the already compacted area, then when the civilian moved into that area, still used the heavy artillery on that so called No War Zone as well.  
All these took place within a too tiniest area for a mass of over 300,000 people, RGOSL, effectively pretended and conjured the international community that it was involved in a humanitarian operation of liberating the civilians from the claws of LTTE, who have accumulated unto the LTTE by the actions of RGOSL and LTTE listed 1 to 18; civilians by now were eager to escape the offensive onslaught of a full-fledged war within tiny area were allowed only a very narrow corridor to do so. The escapees were screened strictly a through deadly slow process by the so called liberating army before allowing them into a barbed wire confined area that could be compared only to an exodus animal paddocking area – that did not fall in line in any means with the RGOSL claim of “Humanitarian Operation Emancipated Refugee Camp”  torturing continued.
RGOSL’s policy of zero international witnesses of war, and resultant lack of INGO, including UNO operating played part in fellow countrymen being confined in a slavery simulation as a means of torture.  This was an all-out coyly effort of the government to pretend that it has not planned out above described inhumane humanitarian operation.  Following actions of RGOSL witnessed by commune would testimony that claim of Humanitarian Operation 2009 was actually a sham
v.             Torture of captured or surrendered in nudes for fun, 
vi.            Rape for fun by many repeated rape for each gulp of arrack, 
vii.           STERILIZATION OF MALE AND FEMALE of the captives and surrendered in Segregated interrogation camps of the security forces
Government failed to imagine that people whom they have subjected to 30 years of cruel war would have better means of media communication than that of who conducted the full-fledged war, carried on its mission of teaching a lesson by ruthless means; We all are aware how the army was deployed against compatriot Parliamentarians who undertook a nonviolent Satyagraha movement in protest of not considering the Tamil Language for reasonable use, but RGOSL could not understand the legitimate demand then  twisted the story to entire world, RGOSL is still lingering in that primitiveness, I still cannot lodge a complaint in Wellawatte Police station  in the language, I am speaking, thus RGOSL, though have won the war what they called as war against Separatism, not yet understood the reasons for the youth upsurge of  North and EAST, because the war was conducted in a manner, further establishing the majoritarian Sinhala Buddhist notion.   
There cannot be a strong foundation for reconciliation unless all the above alleged war crimes, are properly inquired into and the, defense forces cleaned up to free of Sinhala Buddhist notions for the reason the affected people are citizens of Sri Lanka of different language and different believes religiously. 
The one example of most wicked minded disturbing action came from Rear. Admiral Vasantha Kamaragoda at half way of completion war against separatists; he proved beyond any doubt this war was to establish Buddhism by means of force in contrast to Rev. Sangamittha, who disseminated Buddhism in a peaceful manner with in Sri Lanka though she landed in Mathakal and respected the inhabitant there in to travel further south to complete her mission. This action of the Rear. Admiral Vasantha Kamaragoda pushed more youths towards LTTE. Thank you for unveiling the true intention of the RGOSL.
The considerable number of the directly affected of those crimes are still living and their relatives and friends are in deep grieve, shocked and traumatized since learning the inhumane ordeals they have undergone, and keeping it mind that the reconciliation heavily depends on the mindset of the so affected people, rather than from and of the people who enforced the above tabulated actions inappropriate for a responsible government that caused numerous pain, hardships of losing hard earned properties not only once but twice and thrice,   trauma of wars one over another and untold sufferings to the entire  population of the nation for 30 long years.
In this respect, buttering reconciliation offers born through the notions of the majoritarian rule have to be rejected by anyone who wish to live by own conviction for dignity and self-respect. The priority shall be to restitution of everything prior to 1977 era for the people North and East, no need to say I am talking about demilitarization to enhance the civilian life and the livelihood of those lived in there before 1977, ultra-modernized intelligence units that keep intact the central government security concerns (so that) shall replace the highly man-powered military installations that require numerous maintenance facilities and vast land area. This would ensure at-least 50% of reparations for civics is with no time if there is a will for RGOSL and resolute of a true Statesmanship, that keep away voter targeted inflammatory sentiments.
The Palaly Aerodrome should be opened back for International Air trafficking, and the KKS the cement factory should be remodeled for modern techniques and recommence its operation, and Jaffna should become a business hub area again. Past primitive thinking of if north  is developed, Sinhalaya would suffer be buried beneath for strong foundation of entire nation, the new chapter should be worth for the sacrifices made by our people during the onslaught  Indian Peace Keeping Force  the fourth largest army in the world and in the later worse years followed.
I still feel General. Denzil Kobbekaduwa’s battalion should have been allowed to finish the job swiftly, (that could have avoided exposing our native people to foreign force to be raped and tortured) then sign the accord with India, which would have been better slap than that of rifle butt slapping during the parade.
The affected people need a peaceful atmosphere in the first instance. Then, the lands grabbed from the people should be returned to the rightful owners. They should be resettled with a roof over their heads. It is estimated that nearly 140,000 dwellings were damaged during the war. Some were of twice and thrice. These have to be repaired or rebuilt. Some means of livelihood have to be found for the affected people, especially to those families headed by war widows. Psychological and emotional support too should be provided wherever needed.
 As per the turn over events enlisted the 13th Amendment have to be revisited in the lines of modern day thinking – State Governments that ensures no ethnic community enjoys impunity anywhere– all equal in all State Govt. should be the criteria, law enforcement shall improve by double pathway tracking, either central or state indicting, work hand in hand for always betterment of serving the people of the state. In the other areas overlapping responsibilities should be done away and the Prime Minister of Democratic Socialistic Republic shall be responsible for all the State Governments and should have Prime Minister of State for  each state, that comprises 10 – 12 council of ministers and the Central Government shall ensures funding, for the projects implemented by the State. 
 Use the National Government in a broad sense, not to repeat what have been the past short sited nationalism that plunged the country to peril, and exposed to social evils as now and to further. Now the ball is in the Sri Lankan Court, the Hybrid Government’s Courts. Only they have to decide on the pathway they wanted to travel either to continue linger in primitiveness of dominating through language and religion or move forward fast based on scientific facts and needs of every aspects life as a nation.

Meanwhile it is a reminder to all concerned that Buddhism is a philosophy fits into any modern era irrespective of language it is preached, on its original perspective and I respect it for it.